We made a book!
Passivhaus in Australia is part inspiration, part record and part instruction guide but most of all, a call to arms; we need this, we know how to do this, we have nothing to wait for…….
The book makes the case for healthy, comfortable and quality buildings for all. It maps out the why, how and what of passivhaus. It takes a positive look at the benefits of building better, it empowers people to ask more of their buildings, and demonstrates how a robust, decades-old standard can ensure quality construction is realised through good design and construction.

It catalogues the trail blazing projects that have already trodden the certification journey, from the early single family homes through to the very recently certified Woodside building at Monash University, the largest certified passivhaus in the southern hemisphere.
The book also includes two of our projects, Thornleigh and PassivLaneway, representing the increasing spread of passivhaus beyond its Victorian origins.
The book can be downloaded from here for free, please share widely!