About Passivhaus Design & Construct

“We all want homes that are healthy and comfortable… Homes that perform well, are energy efficient and built to last; certified Passivhaus guarantees that. ”

– Andy Marlow designer and co-founder, Passivhaus Design & Construct.

Healthy, Clean & Beautiful

Healthy, clean and beautiful

At Passivhaus Design & Construct we believe everyone deserves to live well. To us, that means healthy, happy, comfortable homes that are built to last.

We’ve adopted the passive house standard for the homes we design because we truly believe it is the only sensible way to build.

Not only that, passive houses are ideal for our Australian climate… be it the beach, bush or somewhere in the snow.

At their most basic level, passive houses are about health and comfort, but to us it means so much more. At Passivhaus Design & Construct we provide you with a complete cost-effective design and build solution that guarantees you a quality home from the day you move in, to decades into the future.

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Passivhaus - A Complete Solution

A complete solution

We recognise that quality and cost are two of the biggest concerns when anyone considers building a new home. And we know that with traditional building models, all too often, you can’t guarantee one without compromising the other.

That’s why at Passivhaus Design & Construct we do things differently.

In fact, you could say we’ve turned the old model completely on its head.

With our complete design and build passive house solution, you’ll enjoy cost certainty from the outset, a smooth build process and best of all… the beautiful, energy-efficient home you’ve been dreaming of.

Our process

Certified In-house Experts

Certified in-house experts

Passivhaus Design & Construct brings together an in-house team of award-winning architects, building designers and highly experienced builders. Having everyone under one umbrella is how we guarantee cost certainty, design integrity and the highest standard in construction.

Certified by the Passive House Institute in Germany, our designers and tradespeople have a shared passion…

…and that’s to build homes that are good for people and good for the world we live in.

Designed to provide you with years of healthy, comfortable living, our passive houses are built to be site responsive… and we provide ongoing support to ensure your passive house is performing exactly as it should be.

Meet the team

Building a new home

A smooth build

Building a new home is a journey… and it’s one we want you to enjoy. The key to a smooth build is excellent planning and strong ongoing communication.

The Passive House Planning Package software allows us to accurately model your home, right down to the impact of the sun on your home in both summer and winter. This ensures our designs are site responsive so we can identify potential problems, avoid unnecessary costs and give you the certainty you need for a good night’s sleep.

Your passive house certified designer and builder will have regular meetings throughout the planning and building stages, and we’d love you to join us. We want to involve you to the level that you feel most comfortable.

And because passive houses are the way of the future, we have an app allowing you to monitor your home’s comfort. During design and construction you have access to real-time critical planning documents and approvals.

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Quality of our work

Our promise

We proudly stand by the quality of our work and the rigour of our method. Here’s the Passivhaus Design & Construct promise to you.

We promise… that your home will receive Passive House Certification. We’re confident it will remain building code compliant for decades to come.

We promise… a home uniquely designed to suit your land and your individual style.

We promise… no surprises – just absolute cost certainty. You will know exactly what each element of your home will cost and be confident that your budget is secure.

Our origin story

Hear PhDC director Andy Marlow explain the origins of the company, why we do what we do and how on the Passive House podcast (interview starts at 8.40).

Are you ready…

…to live well in a passive house? Turn your dream of a healthy, comfortable home that’s built to last into a reality? Contact the Passivhaus Design & Construct team today.

Contact Passivhaus Design & Construct